Legado Ronald Modra

The Sun Gives Light & Heat


Now that is something I took for granted since I was able to think about it, but it does not of itself give heat or warmth. However, there are many scientists in the world today who have been involved in space research who know that it isn´t true, but haven´t found a good way to tell us.

There are also scientists in all areas of modern research projects who have never thought about it, and stand open-mouthed when confronted with something so basic as the subject we are investigating.

The “theory” that light travels at 300.000 km per second and this speed is constant in all the universe was only a guess and it cannot be even remotely true when we look at the facts before our very eyes.

Every cosmonaut who has travelled beyond the earth´s atmospheric field knows that everywhere in space is dark and cold. No exceptions except in the circle of atmosphere around each planet or moon. If it is a dense atmosphere like earth, it is bright and colorful. A weak atmosphere like our moon is not as bright, but planets are always surrounded by cold, dark space.

The sun glows in the distance but its rays or particles (nobody knows what they are) are projected in all directions at infinite speed, until those particles hit the resistance of our atmospheric protection, which compared to space is very dense. These particles from the sun then collide with our atmosphere like miniature meteorites and gradually become hot and bright, cooling as they slow down and reach ground level.

We measure their speed at sea-level and find them to be moving horizontally at 300.000 km/sec. Obviously in space they are moving much, much faster.

That means good bye to much of what we accept as science in the understanding of our world and its relationship to the distances that separate us from everything else in space.It explains why the higher we go the colder it gets and when you go beyond our atmosphere, day or night you encounter darkness and extreme cold.

It also means we have a long way to go in understanding basic physics about our existence on planet earth. It also raises very serious questions about the integrity of what we accept as science.-
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